What is Group Insurance Plan?
Group insurance is a health care coverage plan in which company employees are included under one master Group coverage policy owned by their company. Because these plans has so many contributors, so these policies often provides coverage for more services at a much lower cost per participant. This type of insurance usually provided by big companies. Sometime Temples, Labor unions, churches and other service groups can also obtain group insurance for their members. A company group benefit plan shares the financial risk of health related expenses among the group of employees, under one contract, who pay into pool. When employer has a Group Benefits Plan in place, any member of the group who requires services is financially compensated by the plan according to the terms laid out in the contract between the employer and the insurance company. Family members of employees are may also be covered under the plan as specified by the contract. Individual members of a group insurance plan receive insurance booklets from insurance company which demonstrate their eligibility for benefits. If the master policy held by the company requires participation in a Health Maintenance Organization, then employees are also registered as members. Other group insurance policies may be associated with major medical groups such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Usually these major medical policies are not restrict an individual’s choice of primary physician and specialists but Health Maintenance Organization policies often require a patient to use a specified physician or specialist.
Sahib Insurance associated with all major insurance companies so we will shop around for you, to get most attractive plan at affordable price. Our expert advisor will help you to choose benefits according to your and your employee’s needs. If you have existing plan we can get you better price with same benefits. We will do all the paper work and shop around so we can get you better price.
Sahib Insurance & Investments Experts will help you to choose best available product at reasonable price.